Terrible Things Happen To Jeans When They Go To Europe

So I just got back from Europe. And, man, what they do to blue jeans over there should be criminalized. They take a perfectly capable pair of jeans and then festoon them with zippers and leather patches and unnatural fades and ill-advised rips and it’s all so terribly wrong.

So, here then is a pictorial essay of jean awfulness.




The I Just Sat in Paint! look is still going strong (above, left)
These guys are going for a tough, gangster thing. And failing miserably because their jeans are stupid.

His jeans look like he just came out of the stomach of a giant squid.

When I see so many wrinkles, I immediately think the person wearing them spends a lot of time on the toilet.

If you’re going to Europe any time soon, do yourself a favor and leave your jeans at home. It’s dangerous over there!


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